Cluster 2 of Cohort 10 of the Nigeria Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (advanced level) commenced on the 6th of May 2019. During this cluster, they will have didactic sessions covering Advanced Epidemiology, Research Methodology, Scientific Communication, and Epidemiology of Priority Diseases. The Nigeria Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (NFELTP) is a 2-year […]
The World AIDS Day as celebrated since 1988 is viewed as an opportunity to unite people globally to fight against HIV, to support people living with the virus and commensurate the families of those who have lost love ones to HIV. In 2016, Nigeria accounts for 3.5 million people living with the virus, 180,000 AIDS […]
Cohort 8 residents had their Clusters 3 & 4 didactic lectures, during the 7th week , The following guest lecturers visited during the cluster Michelle Evering_Watley – taught: Teaching and Mentoring Dr. Daniel Duval (CDC Atlanta) – taught: Project Management; Process Improvement and Control; Change Management and CDC-Nigeria Global Health Security Agenda Abimbola Taiwo (CDC […]
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