The Ministry of Health is enrolling for residents for the fifteenth cohort (XV) of the Advanced Level Kenya Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program. The Kenya FELTP is a collaborative competency based training program that is anchored within the Ministry of Health and supported by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The Kenya FELTP […]
Public health issue in Nigeria is a big phenomenon that needs daring organizations like NSTOP to assist in tackling the issues at the interest of the poor, underserved and hard to reach communities and the nation at large. Following the outbreak of circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Virus (cVDPV) being experienced in two (2) states of […]
Nigeria remains the only Polio endemic country in Africa however, tremendous progress has been made towards eradication of wild polio virus despite the setback experienced in 2016. Key among the innovative strategies for this progress is a robust AFP surveillance system. The country has consistently met the two AFP surveillance core indicators; Non- Polio AFP […]
Workshop 3 training for Oyo State Workshop 3 training for Oyo State took place between the 15th and 17th of January 2018. In attendance were a total of 68 participants from 33 LGAs (Districts). The distributions of participants are as follows: DSNOs (33), Assistant DSNOs (32), State DSNO (1), Assistant State DSNO (1) and Lab […]
In a bid to solve the data quality issue in the country, NSTOP is implementing the SMS Routine Immunization (RI) Project in Nasarawa state. The project is being piloted in two (2) selected Local Government Areas of the state. Over one hundred (100) participants had been trained: made up of health facility in charges, Local […]
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