Research and Documentation

  • April 22, 2022
  • admin
  • 1 min read

AFENET Nigeria provided technical support to the research and documentation process throughout the COVID response. The experts provided by AFENET were instrumental to the conceptualization, initial drafting and review of the various documentation efforts including article publication in high-impact reputable peer-review journals. These were aimed at sharing the national response experience with other countries and the scientific community as a way of contributing to the control of the pandemic. Some of the manuscripts already published included “Descriptive epidemiology of coronavirus disease 2019 in Nigeria, 27 February–6 June 2020” published in Epidemiology and Infection (, and “Clinical presentation, case management and outcomes for the first 32 COVID-19 patients in Nigeria” published in Pan African Medical Journal ( She has also supported documentation efforts at the subnational levels by providing needed technical support to the experts deployed to the states as National rapid response teams. The majority of these National RRT members are experienced epidemiologists trained in the advanced FELTP program.