There were loud shouts of “AFENET again! AFENET again!!” during the medal presentation of The Federation of International Development Agencies Football (FIDAF) 2019, as AFENET dominated the games. The tournament is a biennial event for development partners by R&R Sports 9ja. The 2019 tournament held from Nov 16-23 at City Park, Abuja.
The games have steadily grown in prestige and coveted by participating development partners. The 2019 edition was competed in by the US Mission, AFENET, Chemonics, FSH, APIN, FHI, Wateraid, Palladium, Save The Children, IHVN and British High Commission. The standard of the tournament has also improved to a high level of competition.
FIDAF 2019 featured table tennis, badminton, volleyball, chess, ludo, scrabble, ayo, draft, card games and the main event, football.
AFENET won the football competition in superlative fashion defeating Save the Children in the opening match 14-0 and CHEMONICS 4-2 in the finals. AFENET also took gold in badminton, table tennis, card games and silver in chess and bronze in volleyball, ayo, ludo.

The games are an opportunity for development partners to network, let out steam and promote the spirit of sportsmanship. The event was characterized by fanfare generated by buzzing vuvuzelas and chants of cheerleading by supporters of each organization.
The next edition of FIDAF is expected to hold in 2021. AFENET will be ready to once again compete and win in the games.