With funding from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations (BMGF), AFENET, in collaboration with the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA), is implementing the Strengthening Data Quality to Improve Immunization and Primary Health Care Program performance (PHC-DQI) project. The project aims to improve the quality and acceptability of Primary Healthcare data for quality programmatic decision-making […]
The Residents of Intermediate Field Epidemiology Training Program (I-FETP) successfully concluded field data collection on ‘’Assessment of Compliance to COVID-19 Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs) and Associated Factors in Secondary Schools in the Federal Capital Territory’’. To curb the spread of COVID-19, NPIs including social distancing, wearing of face mask, frequent handwashing and using sanitizers, observing coughs […]
Below is a list of risk communication activities AFENET has been actively participating in at the risk communication pillar of the National EOC for COVID-19 Response: Weekly RC Planning and Reviews Meetings: Since the formation of the Risk Communication Pillar, Afenet staff have been participating in the weekly risk communication pillar planning and review meetings […]
Epi Surveys Capacity Building AFENET supported the development of training materials for NPHCDA command centre on COVID-19 preparedness and response guidelines for health care workers and community volunteers. She also supported NCDC to develop COVID-19 surveillance training modules for healthcare workers and facilitated in the national and subnational training. The staff at the national, state […]
Between Monday 5th July 2021 and Friday 9 July 2021, AFENET conducted a malaria manuscript writing workshop as a way of promoting the dissemination of the scientific work of the Nigeria Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (NFELTP) supported by the Presidential Malaria Initiative. Besides Malaria, the scientific writing workshop also included works on other […]
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